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Accepting Student Applications

For inquiries, the school opens from Monday to Sunday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and accepting applicants from January to April for new students.

Rules from the Ministry of Education Regarding Guardianship

Under Article 23 of the Announcement of the Revolutionary Council, volume No.216, dated 25th September 1972, annulled the Announcement from the Ministry ofEducation regarding Guardianship dated 19th January 1960 and has made itcompulsory that students should be under the care of their parents or guardians.

 The conditions are as follows:

The term “guardian” refers to whoever accepts guardianship, or the responsibility to care for the student or whoever the student resides with.

The students who are studying in order to receive a vocational education diploma or it’s equivalent in school under the supervision of the Ministry of Education with the exception of adults, must have a guardian for the duration of their education.

On the lst day of school students and their parents or guardian must be present and should have the necessary documents with them. If the guardian could not come, an appointed date will be arranged for the guardian to meet with the head of the school.

The guardians should cooperate with the school to look after the behavior, studies, dress code and rules and regulations of the school and or the Ministry of Education.

The guardians are requested to cooperate with the academy to know and solve any problems the student encounters during their course of studies.

If guardians changed addresses or there is a change in guardianship, the guardians must notify the academy immediately.

If the academy find out that student is not under the care of his/ her parents or guardian or is in the care of someone unfit to be a guardian, the school has the right to make a report to the Ministry of Education.

Announced on 12th February 1979

Signed by Mr Sawatdipanit
Deputy Minister representing the
Minister of the Ministry of Education


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